A Private Non-Profit Working to Prevent Childhood Hunger
Liberty Kids Food And Nutrition (FAN) is a private non-profit organization in Charlotte, North Carolina dedicated to preventing child hunger. We are actively supporting child care providers, and improving children’s nutritional health. We ensure that eligible children and adults who attend qualifying non-residential care facilities receive nutritious meals.
We are a sponsor of federal funded programs (which is administered and funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Programs such as Child and Adult Food Care Program (CACFP) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
These programs helps funds the Liberty Kids initiative to support eligible Summer Camps, After-School Programs, Child Care Homes, Day Care Centers, and Homeless Shelters in North Carolina. Liberty Kids provides financial assistance to ensure children receive healthy and nutritious meals when school is out; (After-School and in the Summer).
Liberty Kids is dedicated to meeting federal regulations required for funding. We remain compliant with federal regulations by attending continuous training required for funding eligibility and implementing practices which are compliant with regulatory mandates.